Friends of BDA (FOBDA) is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. FOBDA promotes and supports the global vision of BDA (Botanical Development in Africa) which seeks a shifting from artisanal to professional agroecological farming, promoting community development, protecting local biodiversity and environment, and support programs that enhance the triple bottom line of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental.  

Friends of BDA is committed to social and environmental changes and to raise community well-being, protecting natural resources, and providing livelihood for African families and communities.

Certell, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. All donations designated for Friends of BDA are fully tax deductible within the law, and will be forwarded to Friends of BDA. Thank you for your generosity. Please enter your donation below. All donations are processed using secure encryption. Your information is safe and secure and will not be shared with anyone.

Please contact Michelle Leonard at [email protected] or 317-870-1050 for wire transfer or other payment methods.

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